Yvorra Leadership Development Foundation


Yvorra Leadership Development (YLD) is a non-profit private foundation designed to promote leadership development among members of the fire, hazardous materials, and emergency medical services communities. The Foundation was created to continue the efforts of James G. Yvorra who dedicated his life’s work to the betterment of fire and emergency medical services.

The Yvorra Leadership Development Foundation (YLD) is a non-profit, tax exempt organization. The Foundation operates under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) and 509(a) of the Code. In compliance with Federal requirements, YLD prepares annual financial reports and submits them to the IRS. All financial reports are submitted to a certified public accountant for third-party review and are a matter of public record.

The Foundation’s Board of Directors is primarily responsible for the administration and management of the organization. All members of the Board of Directors and the Scholarship and Awards Committee serve without compensation or remuneration.

Board of Directors

Rose M. Cogan

Training Consultant, (retired), Elkridge, MD

George D. Dodson

Red Hat Publishing Company, Inc., Chester, MD

Michael Eversole

U.S. Secret Service, Washington, D.C.

Donna Hawley

Flight Nurse, CFRN
Havre de Grace, MD

John Hess

U.S. DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Washington, D.C. (retired), Hagerstown, MD

Michael S. Hildebrand

Hildebrand and Fish LLC, Mount Dora, FL

JoAnne F. Hildebrand

Academic Director and Associate Professor (retired)
Fire Science, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD

Sean Noll

Major, U.S. Marine Corps

James P. Zeigler

Ph.D. Principal
J.P. Zeigler LLC, Richmond, VA

Scholarship and Awards Committee

The Scholarship and Awards Committee is established under the Board as a free-standing and impartial group for the sole purpose of evaluating applications and selecting suitable candidates. No member of the Board serves on the Awards Committee; however, the Committee Chairperson serves as a non-voting member of the Board.

The Scholarship and Awards Committee reviews qualified applicants in the fall of each year and selects award recipients by letter ballot. Awardees are selected based on five broad criteria. These include:

Scholarship & Awards Committee

Gregory G. Noll

CSP (Committee Chairman)
GGN Technical Resources LLC, Lancaster, PA

Adam K. Thiel

Managing Director (Committee Co-Chairman)
City of Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Bryan E. Bledsoe, D.O.

EMS Author-Physician, Arlington, TX

Alan V. Brunacini

Chief (in memoriam)
Phoenix Fire Department, Phoenix, AZ

Charles J. Burkell

Program Chair (retired), Executive Development
National Fire Academy, Emmitsburg, MD

Richard B. Emery

Emery & Associates, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL

Chris Hawley

Owner, FBN Training and Consulting
Blackrock 3 Partners, Inc., Alexandria, VA

Ty Dickerson

Lexington (VA) Fire Department

Donald E. Sellers

AMI (in memoriam)
Medical Illustrator– Publisher

Dennis L. Rubin

Fire Chief
Kansas City, KS

G. Crawford Wiestling

Chairman - Emeritus (1988 – 2020)